A life-long Buddhist and martial artist with background in various disciplines such as Judo, Jeet Kune Do, Aikido, Gendai Nihon Jujutsu, Daidojuku Kudo, Kenjutsu and Shaolin Kung Fu, Andre has lived and trained in Japan, Brazil and Canada. Andre teaches the children's program and trains Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Professor Seiji Sugiman-Marangos of Tanuki Martial Arts, and Judo under Sensei Elmer Gale and Jesse Brown of Ronin Judo & Sumo Club. Andre's main passion is to teach martial arts to children and watch them improve their confidence and develop their characters. Andre's main life goal is to stop fellow warriors' suffering with love, compassion and martial arts.
Kylan Kikunaga is the dojo's Jr. assistant instructor and the highest ranked student of Kikunaga Martial Arts Dojo. Kylan started his martial arts training at the age of 7 and went from being a shy kid that used to be bullied at school to the brave leader of the Little Samurais anti-bullying team. Kylan enjoys teaching martial arts to children and boost their confidence daily. Kylan-sensei is also an expert in Japanese culture, especially Japanese Anime/Manga and Pokemon!
Keoni Kikunaga is the dojo's youngest Jr. assistant instructor. Keoni started his martial arts training at the age of 7 and went from being a non-physical child to become one of the most accomplished youth martial artists in the dojo. Keoni has recently made history by becoming the first non-teenager to become a certified asssitant instructor due to his passion, commitment and dedication to Jiu-Jitsu. Keoni has a heart of gold and always put others before himself and his main drive is to see students improve their skills and develop their human characters. Keoni-sensei is also a very talented artist and hopes to change the world with his hands one day!